
100% Authentic Autographed Memorabilia Guaranteed!

Trusted since 2006!

Collecting autographs can be one of the best hobbies ever, but at the same time it can be one of the worst if not done properly. Ninety percent or more of the autographs sold online today are estimated to be forgeries and there is not much we can do to stop this. Certificates Of Authenticity’s (COA’s) are only as good as the entity issuing them. Buyers should know the company they are buying from and how their signatures are being obtained.

Here at COAutographs all of our autographed memorabilia are guaranteed to be obtained in-person or during in-person signings with the celebrity or group of celebrities themselves. With the combination of our money back guarantee, photos, video and, in some cases, third-party authentications, we are able to guarantee the authenticity of each and every item sold.

Shop through our website, read our blog, connect with us on facebook and twitter, and if you ever have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at anytime.

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In 2005, COAutographs set out to help connect autograph collectors a-like to obtain, trade, and sell authentic autographs of their favorite celebrities from the worlds of film, television, comic, and more. Today, we are a trusted seller of some of the most highly sought-after autographed memorabilia and original collectibles.

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With our collaborative relationships with our freelance and in-house autograph team, including leading autograph experts, long time autograph hounds, local and international celebrity associates, photojournalists, and industry colleagues we are able to provide an amazing, one of a kind, autograph collection of authentic autographs.

COAutographs is now owned and operated by Las Vegas celebrity photographer, Justin Paludipan. As one of the original founders, Justin became one of the key assets to COAutographs’ success since its launch. He now operates the offices of COAutographs with long-trusted colleagues in one of the Entertainment Capitals of the World.

Justin and the team at COAutographs regularly attend, movie premieres, conventions, and weekly events to insure the autographs sold at COAutographs are 100% Authentic.

Authenticity Guarantee

100% authentic or your money back! We highly frown upon forgeries and will never sell an autograph that we don’t know for certain it is 100% authentic.

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